Release notes¶
Add token support for Ocaml
New option parser: the options now follow the standard convention of using two dashes for long options (e.g. --haskell). Old options with a single dash (e.g. -haskell) are still accepted but all newly introduced options use only the new format.
Adds an optional argument to change Makefile name:
bnfc -mMyMakefile
should generate the Makefile in MyMakefile instead of the default (Makefile.) Add a long version of the option (--makefile)
Add a --ghc option to derive Data, Typeable, Generic in the Haskell backend
New online documentation (
Derive Read for newtype decls in Haskell backend. E.g.
newtype Ident = Ident String deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show)
This allows users to translate Ident‘s from one language to another, e.g:
LangX.IdentExp ident -> LangY.IdentExp (read (show ident))
New option to get the version number: --version (the old one, --numeric-version still works).
Remove the F# backend
Remove the Java4 backend
New Applicative and Alternative instances to Err
Remove the coupling between building the parser and the pdf from latex: this was causing a lot of confusion in the course because it would fail to build the test program if the student didn’t have latex installed. Add a separate target for the latex document (--latex).
Improvement to the CNF Backend
Bug fixes in different backends: Ocaml (#92, #21), GADT (#34, #33), Latex (#90), XML (#30), Java (#60)
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this release: Adam Sandberg Eriksson, Alex Rozenshteyn, Caleb Welton, Cubit, Grégoire Détrez, Jean-Philippe Bernardy, Jeff Chen, John Lato, Josef Svenningsson, Oliver Bunting, Rob Stewart, Wictor Lund, emptylambda, joe, runoshun