============= Other tools ============= LBNF tools ---------- `LBNF for Sublime Text`_ Provides syntax highlighting for LBNF in Sublime Text. `lbnf.vim`_ Vim syntax highlighting for Labeled BNF. `language-lbnf`_ LBNF support in the Atom editor. `tree-sitter-lbnf`_ A tree-sitter grammar for LBNF. `vscode-lbnf`_ An extension for VS Code which provides support for the LBNF language. .. _LBNF for Sublime Text: https://github.com/Centril/sublime-lbnf-syntax .. _lbnf.vim: https://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1470 .. _language-lbnf: https://github.com/MortenSchou/language-lbnf .. _tree-sitter-lbnf: https://github.com/MortenSchou/tree-sitter-lbnf .. _vscode-lbnf: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=agurodriguez.vscode-lbnf Similar tools ------------- bnfc-meta_ Like BNFC for haskell but allows you to define your grammar in a .hs file using a quasi-quoter. ANTLR_ From a grammar, ANTLR generates a Java parser that can build and walk parse trees. `BNF Parser Generator`_ Generates a C parser from a BNF like syntax. `BNF for Java`_ Java implementation of Extended BNF. `GF`_ Powerful grammar formalism for natural language processing. `Syntax`_ Syntactic analysis toolkit, language-agnostic parser generator. Backends: C# Java JavaScript Python PHP Ruby Rust `tree-sitter`_ Incremental parser generation (C) from grammar written in a JavaScript DSL or JSON. Bindings exist for many programming languages. .. _BNF Parser Generator: http://www.nongnu.org/bnf/ .. _bnfc-meta: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/BNFC-meta .. _ANTLR: http://www.antlr.org/ .. _BNF for Java: http://bnf-for-java.sourceforge.net/ .. _GF: http://www.grammaticalframework.org/ .. _Syntax: https://github.com/DmitrySoshnikov/syntax .. _tree-sitter: https://tree-sitter.github.io/tree-sitter/